
陳姿伶 副教授













電話:886-2-2871-8288 #8131




  1. 陳姿伶*、林子閎、林弘,(2023),初探地表高溫跨時空變遷暨土地使用型態之關聯性,都市與計劃,第50卷,第2期,頁129-157(TSSCI)
  2. 陳姿伶*、林子閎,(2023),初探風險指標與淹水事件之關聯性—以新北市為例,都市與計劃,第50卷,第1期,頁57-84(TSSCI)
  3. Chen, T. L. *, Lin, H., and Chiu, Y. H. (2022). Heat Vulnerability and Extreme Heat Risk at the Metropolitan Scale: A Case Study of Taipei Metropolitan Area, Taiwan. Urban Climate, 41, 101054. (DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.uclim.2021.101054) (SCI) (IF: 6.4)
  4. Chen, T. L.*, and Paris, L. (2022). Identifying key environmental and building features affecting the outcome of a seismic event: a case study of the “921” earthquake, Natural Hazards, 111, 2627-2647. (DOI:10.1007/s11069-021-05151-4) (SCI) (IF: 3.7)
  5. 陳姿伶*、賴泓錥、邱英浩,(2021),應用衛星影像判釋桃園地區埤塘變遷對於生態系統服務之影響,地理學報,第100期,頁71-100(TSSCI)
  6. Chen, T. L.*, and Tsai, C. E. (2021). Coping with extreme disaster risk through preventive planning for resettlement, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 64, 102531. (DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijdrr.2021.102531) (SCI) (IF: 4.842)
  7. 陳姿伶*、張家瑄,(2021),初探違章工廠空間群聚/離散暨違章工廠群聚形成因子,築與規劃學報,第20卷,第2期,頁97-113
  8. Chen, T. L.*, and Lin, Z. H. (2021). Impact of land use types on the spatial heterogeneity of extreme heat environments in a metropolitan area, Sustainable Cities and Society, 72(4), 103005. (DOI:10.1016/j.scs.2021.103005) (SCI) (IF: 10.696)
  9. Chen, T. L.* (2020). Mapping temporal and spatial changes in land use and land surface temperature based on MODIS data. Environmental Research, 196, 110424. (SCI) (IF: 5.715)
  10. Chen, T. L.*, and Lin, Z. H. (2020). Planning for climate change: evaluating the changing patterns of flood vulnerability in a case study in New Taipei City, Taiwan. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 35, 1161-1174. (DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00477-020-01890-1) (SCI) (IF: 2.351)
  11. Chen, T. L., Chao, T. Y., and Cheng, H. T. (2020). Exploring the changes in risk perceptions and adaptation behaviors based on various socioeconomic characteristics before and after earthquake disasters – a case study in Taiwan. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 20, 2433-2446. (DOI: https://doi.org/10.5194/nhess-20-2433-2020) (SCI) (IF: 3.102)
  12. Chen, T. L*., and Cheng, H. W. (2020). Applying traditional knowledge to resilience in coastal rural villages. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction. 47, 101564. (DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijdrr.2020.101564) (SCI) (IF: 2.568)
  13. Cheng, H. T., Chao, T. S., and Chen, T. L. (2019). Exploring the effect of age on the intention of accepting mitigation policy: a case study of residential seismic strengthening policy in an area with high seismic risk. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 41, 101331. (DOI:10.1016/j.ijdrr.2019.101331) (SCI) (IF: 2.568)
  14. Chen, T. L.* (2019). Structural analysis of how place attachment and risk perceptions affect the willingness to live in an earthquake-prone area. Disaster Prevention and Management (ahead-of-print) (DOI: 10.1108/DPM-08-2018-0249) (SSCI) (IF: 1.247)
  15. 陳姿伶*(2018),初探921集集地震災害近斷層帶居民災害認知與調適行為特性,建築與規劃學報,第19卷,第2期,頁65-80(DOI 10.30054/JAP)
  16. Chang, H. S., Chen, T. L.*, and Cheng, H. T. (2018). Comparing the spatial patterns of earthquake disaster probability and individual risk perception: a case study of Yongkang Township in Tainan, Taiwan. Natural Hazards, 93(3), 1589-1610. (DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11069-018-3369-x) (SCI) (IF: 1.901)
  17. 陳姿伶*、張學聖,(2018),地震風險地區土地使用規劃管制與土地利用關聯性分析-以車籠埔斷層為例。都市與計劃,第45卷,第2期,頁161-185(TSSCI)
  18. 陳姿伶*、林子閎,(2018),淺論國土計畫法施行歸屬於農業發展地區鄉村區的分類態樣暨土地使用管理策略,第17卷,第3期,頁54-64
  19. 張學聖、陳姿伶*、王鈺淋,(2017)921集集地震建築物災損空間特性解析。台灣建築學會「建築學報」,第101期,頁59-75(DOI:10.3966/101632122017090101004)(TSSCI)
  20. 張學聖、陳姿伶*(2016)地震帶土地使用規劃策略跨國比較研究。建築與規劃學報,第17卷,第2/3期,頁137-152
  21. Chang, H. S., and Chen T. L.* (2016). Spatial heterogeneity of local flood vulnerability indicators within flood-prone areas in Taiwan. Environmental Earth Science, 75(23), 1-14. (DOI: 10.1007/s12665-016-6294-x) (SCI) (IF: 1.569)
  22. Chang, H. S., and Chen, T. L.* (2016). Explore energy consumption feature of urban spatial pattern and open green space. 2nd International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Environmental Engineering (SEEE).(EI)
  23. 張學聖、王琪斐、陳姿伶*(2016),臺灣地區縣市空間緊湊發展特性與交通運輸能耗關係之初探。都市與計劃,第43卷,第2期,頁115-142(DOI: 10.6128/CP.43.2.115) (TSSCI)
  24. Chang, H. S., and Chen T. L.* (2016). Examine sustainable urban space based on compact city concept. Global Journal Human-Social Science (B), 16(4), 2-12
  25. 張學聖、許咏真、陳姿伶*(2015)。農地環境價值效益補貼對農地轉用之影響初探。地理學報,第78期,頁63-88(DOI: 10.6161/jgs.2015.78.04) (TSSCI)
  26. Chang, H. S. and Chen, T. L.* (2015). Exploring spatial patterns of farmland transactions and farmland use changes. Environmental Monitoring Assessment, 187, 596-610. (DOI: 10.1007/s10661-015-4825-7) (SCI) (IF: 1.687)
  27. 張學聖、郭婷婷、陳姿伶*(2014),從碳平衡觀點探討都市空間發展之特性-以台灣各縣市為例。台灣建築學會「建築學報」,第87期,137-157(TSSCI)
  28. 張學聖、陳姿伶,(2014),全球氣候變遷下低碳城市空間規劃之研究,人文與社會科學簡訊,第15卷,第2期,頁33-41
  29. 張學聖、陳姿伶*、陳柏君,(2013),台灣農地轉用與農地交易空間關聯性之研究。建築與規劃學報,第14卷,第2/3期,頁165-181
  30. Chang, H. S. and Chen T. L.* and Wang, C. F. (2013). Explore impacts of urban compactness on energy consumption. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 260-261, 46-49. (EI)


  1. Chen, T. L., and Su, L. S. Exploring and comparing the stages of gentrification in Taipei City based upon socio-economic status. EURA 2023. Reykjavik, Iceland. (June 22-24, 2023) (Oral presentation)
  2. Chen, T. L. Exploring the Susceptibility of Gentrification in Taipei City, Taiwan. REAL CORP 2022. Vienna, Austria (November, 14-16, 2022) (Oral presentation)
  3. 陳姿伶、陳亭瑄,(2021/1030),初探極端氣候之複合災害時空動態移轉特性,2021自然、社會與設計學術論壇,臺北:輔仁大學。
  4. Tsai, C. E., and Chen, T. L. Integrate Traditional Ecological Knowledge into Disaster Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies in High Risk Settlements - A Case Study of Taiwan. REAL CORP 2020: Shaping Urban Change Livable City Regions for the 21st Century. Rwthaachen, Germany (April 15-18, 2020).
  5. 陳姿伶、林子閎,(2019/11/15),初探綠地空間景觀結構與都市熱環境間降溫效果-以原臺中市為例,2019臺中學國際研討會,臺中:中興大學。
  6. Chen, T. L. Explore the Spatial and Temporal Trends of Heat Island Effect – A Case Study of Taiwan. The AESOP Congress. Venice, Italy. (July 9-13, 2019) (Poster Oral presentation)
  7. Chen, T. L. How zoning regulations along the fault zone areas impact on land use and property value after serious earthquake disaster. The AESOP Congress. Gothenburg, Sweden. (July 10-14, 2018) (Oral presentation)
  8. 陳姿伶,(2018/06/02),初探921集集地震災害近斷層帶居民災害認知與調適行為特性,第14屆科技與社會學術研討會,新竹:中華大學。
  9. Chang, H. S., and Chen, T. L. Increase resilience in right community under potential earthquake risk, 53rd ISOCARP Congress: Smart Communities. Portland, USA. (Oct. 24-27, 2017)
  10. Chen, T. L., and Chang, H. S. Exploring adaptive behaviors in earthquake disaster risk area based on land use planning perspective, 25th Pacific Conference of the RSAI. Tainan, Taiwan ROC. (May 17-20, 2017) (Oral presentation)
  11. 陳姿伶、張學聖,(2016/12/17),地震風險區土地使用規劃管制與土地利用關聯性分析以車籠埔斷層為例,2016年中華民國都市計劃學會、區域科學學會、地區發展學會聯合年會暨論文研討會論文集,台北:政治大學。
  12. Chen, T. L. An urban development opportunity along the earthquake based on land use perspective - A case study of Chi-Chi earthquake in Taiwan, IEAS Winter Doctoral Workshop in Asian Studies. Berkeley, USA. (Jan. 19-22, 2016) (Oral presentation)
  13. Chang, H. S., and Chen, T. L. Exploring the spatial association of local vulnerability: A case study of flood-prone areas, 21st Annual ISDRS Conference. Geelong, Australia. (July 10-12, 2015)
  14. 陳姿伶、張學聖,(2014/12/06),台灣緊湊城市發展空間特性之探討,2014年中華民國都市計劃學會、區域科學學會、地區發展學會聯合年會暨論文研討會論文集,台北:台北大學。
  15. Chen, T. L., and Chang, H. S. Spatial variation in the relationships between urban compactness and urban green spaces. The AESOP Congress. Utrecht, Netherlands. (July 15-19, 2014) (Oral presentation)
  16. Chang, H. S. and Chen, T. L. Mitigation and adaptation in water sensitive region - A case study in land subsidence area in Yunlin, Taiwan, 49th ISOCARP Congress. Brisbane, Australia. (Oct. 1-4, 2013)
  17. Chen, T.L. and Chang, H. S. The influence of building farmhouse to land use from sustainable development aspect. The 2nd International Conference on Sustainable Future for Human Security - SUSTAIN 2011, Kyoto, Japan. (Oct. 9-10, 2011) (Oral presentation)


  1. 111年行政院農業委員會水土保持局計畫(計畫主持人)「初探極端氣候事件集水區複合型災害地文特性致災區與受災區之指認」。計畫編號:111保發-8.1--01-06-001(29)111/01/18~111/12/31
  2. 110年科技部計畫(計畫主持人)「應用全距耦合解構都會地區受仕紳化所衍生之社會階層上下濾時空變遷特性」。計畫編號:110-2628-H-845 -001 -MY3110/08/01~113/07/31
  3. 109年科技部計畫(計畫主持人)「極端高溫下綜納建成環境與熱脆弱度研擬熱環境韌性調適策略」。計畫編號:109-2410-H-845 -036 -109/08/01~110/07/31
  4. 109年行政院農業委員會農村再生基金計畫(計畫主持人)「鄉村發展研究學術合作計畫--結合傳統生態智慧研析高風險鄉村地區韌性發展挑戰與機會」。計畫編號。109/01/01~109/12/31
  5. 108年科技部計畫(計畫主持人)「氣候變遷下都市發展調適策略之研究--子計畫:調處氣候變遷城鄉發展之韌性土地使用規劃(I)」。計畫編號:MOST 108-2625-M-845 -003 -108/08/01~109/07/91
  6. 108年科技部計畫大專學生參與專題研究計畫(指導教授)「探討違章工廠形成特性既工業園區之競合關係」。108/07/01~109/02/29